12 November 2007

Product Introduction Pages

As was discussed in a previous article (Website Entrance) making a website visitor and search engine friendly is crucial in it's ability to attract and retain new customers. Product Introduction Pages are an ideal way to present information in a way that can be easily understood by search engines and prospective customers. They also help to personalize and enhance the user-friendly experience.

Product Introduction Pages allow businesses to present visitors with information specifically associated with a product or service that the visitor or search engine is looking for. They reduce the number of 'clicks' required to get to the information. The pages are designed to very QUICKLY let the customer or search engine know that you have what they want. This translates into better conversion rates, which often result in INCREASED SALES.
How People Search

To utilize Product Introduction Pages effectively it helps to understand how people conduct searches. Here's a synopsis of how people search:

* Decide on and enter the search keywords into a search engine
* Wait for and review the results, looking for something that meets their needs
* Select a link and quickly take in the whole page
* Skim read the information presented looking for words relevant to what they searched for
* The closer the keywords match, the more assured they are that they've found what they are looking for
* When they find a close match to their search terms, they will start looking for more details

This is why Product Introduction Pages are so effective.

People see the information they are looking for and continue to explore. Research shows that people spend 8-15 seconds skimming the product introduction pages before deciding what their next action is. Even more interesting is that between 70% to 90% will click through to the main website. This is a much HIGHER click through rate than with home pages.

On the other hand, most home pages present very little relevant information that the customer wants. So when the customer is taken to the home page, they HAVE NOT found what they are looking for. This is why home pages are often very poor at attaining/ sustaining the visitors' attention. They've already done a search and now you are forcing them to search through your website. They don't want to do that. They want SUBSTANCE! If they don't find it, they get FRUSTRATED and LEAVE.

Product Introduction

Pages even work well for companies with strict writing policies, and in some cases, for legal requirements that necessitate adherence to certain rules. They are ideal for larger corporations because Product Introduction Pages allow them to present their products and services in a structured yet easy-to-follow way. The customer is not bombarded with unnecessary information about products and services that they don't want or need, and they also aren't forced to dig through the hundreds of webpages that some of the larger websites contain. They don't have the time or patience to be exploring every aspect of your website. And that's the beauty of of Product Introduction Pages, they only contain information that is relevant to what the customer is looking for.

The Ideal Option

As we can see giving visitors quick and easy access to the information they seek is of paramount importance when you are trying to win them over with your website. If you make them search too much or they can't find what they are looking for, or if your website doesn't show up in the Top 20 returned results -then you've lost them. This is where a properly utilized website promotion and/ or search engine optimization (Levels of Search Engine Promotion) strategy really pays dividends. It will help your business find solutions to all of the above concerns. Let's face it, if your website is not receiving enough visitors based on relevant 'keyword' searches (Keyword Value) then your business is losing out 100% on the opportunity to reach out to new, prospective customers. It doesn't matter how great your website is or what wonderful products/ services you provide, if they can't find you -you don't exist. Product Introduction Pages are one of the best ways to attain great listings on the search engines and to present information relevant to what the customers wants/ needs. Properly utilized, Product Introduction Pages can deliver impressive results.

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